A Bookmark Bibliography - compiled by Georg Hartong
January 2016 , last revised 26 September 2024 This bibliography is a comprehensive list of printed works related to bookmarks which should include preferably all known publications, at least it contains all the ones to the best of our knowledge. Actually, such a list is a summary of the whole Bookmark Literature and thus represents a valuable reference material for research on bookmarks. The bibliography in its first version was compiled by our editor Georg Hartong and has been published on this website in January 2016. It contains the following categories: - Books & booklets concerned with the bookmarks only (monographs) - Magazines and periodicals about bookmarks - Books with sections or information about bookmarks - Articles published in periodicals or as separate papers - Books on handicrafts and do-it-yourself topics dedicated to bookmark production, such as embroidery designs - Other bibliographies of bookmarks Of course, it is evident that the bibliography has to grow with every new publication and therefore needs continuous updating. At this point, we would like to invite our visitors to support us by submitting information which might have not yet been added to the bibliography. Please use the contact form below for this purpose, and thank you very much for your help. Download - A Bookmark bibliography - as a pdf file (230 kb) |
Bookmarks: An Annotated Bibliography - compiled by Dr. Frank X. Roberts,©1996, 2019, 144 pages
An extensive and scholarly bibliography with detailed descriptions, and name and subject indexes, it is divided into sections for Books About Bookmarks and Articles About Bookmarks. The bibliography was completed in 1996 (and updated recently with a dedication), thus complementing the bibliography that Georg Hartong continues to maintain. Frank X. Roberts holds a Master of Library Science degree from Simmons College, Boston, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Buffalo. He has taught Library Science, English Language and English and American Literature worldwide in England, Africa and Australia as well as in the United States. He has published many articles on the history, development and use of bookmarks. He welcomes comments and questions about the bibliography by email. Download - Bookmarks: An Annotated Bibliography - as a pdf file (124.6 mb) A printed or Kindle version is available as Books and Bookmarks Through the Ages: An Annotated Bibliography, 2020 |
Bibliography of TBS Publications - compiled by Georg Hartong
January 2016, last revised 23 January 2025 The Bookmark Society (TBS) in UK publishes since 1989 newsletters which contain articles about bookmarks and bookmark relating issues. This bibliography is a list of all articles published in the newsletters of TBS between 1989 and the present. The newsletters of TBS were named differently in the past: The Bookmark Collector's News (BCN) Bookmark Society Newsletter (BSN) - between 1989 and 2008 TBS News - since 2008 up to present day Besides these three periodicals, TBS also publishes so-called Occasional Papers devoted to various themes of bookmarks. The bibliography lists data of articles published in the past issues of all three newsletters and the Occasional Papers. Download - Bibliography of TBS Publications - as a pdf file (258 kb) |