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203 total;
updated 2 January 2020 |
Newsletter No. 13 to Members
The 13th IFOB newsletter has just been emailed to our 202 members. Join us and you can get the newsletter to find out what you have missed and what is coming, and it includes a list of members and their interests. Join on the Member News page or the Swap list. 31 December 2019 |
Woboda Raffle Update
Thanks to a donation by Debrah Gai Lewis, we have 230 bookmarks in the raffle. 29 December 2019 |
"Storm Center" Bookmark
A blog post discusses the history of a bookmark advertising a controversial movie starring Bette Davis. 11 December 2019 |
Woboda Raffle Up to 160 Bookmarks
Thanks to a contribution of 60 bookmarks from Randy Whiteman and a few more from donors, the raffle has 160 bookmarks. Enter today for a chance to win. 2 December 2019 |
Bookmark Inspirations
Have you ever mentioned using bookmarks to someone and later they say that you inspired them to do so? Read our blog post to learn about two examples sent by member Gaby Dondlinger. 26 November 2019 |
Wobo the Traveling Bookmark
Gaby Dondlinger, our member from Luxembourg, took Wobo to several countries in Europe, to an exhibition and book fair, and to two little free libraries. Where would you like to take Wobo? 23 November 2019 |
World Bookmark Day Raffle
Thanks to several donations, the raffle total stands at 93. Enter now to win in February! |
Prize Donated for Asim Maner Award Winner
Ana Matos, member from Portugal, has donated a beautiful handmade cork bookmark with ammonite fossil and tree of life to the winner of the Asim Maner Award for promoting bookmarks. The award will be announced on World Bookmark Day, 25 February 2020. Nominate someone or even yourself by contacting the editor to provide information on activities promoting bookmarks: maintaining a web site/Facebook page/Instagram, writing articles, making bookmarks, making displays, etc. We want to hear from you! Thank you, Ana, for this exceptional prize! 7 November 2019 |
World Bookmark Day News
We are excited to have four bookmark designs from Gary Handman, Berkeley, CA, USA, the third group he has made for World Bookmark Day. See them all and download to print on the Woboda page. 30 October 2019 |
Follow the adventures of Wobo, the traveling bookmark. Recently she visited Edinburgh Scotland. 11 October 2019 |
New Member Profile
Read about Frank X. Roberts from the USA who is a scholar of bookmark history and publisher, including his extensive bibliography. He talks about his research questions and methods. 11 October 2019 |
Newsletter No. 12 to Members
The 12th IFOB newsletter has just been emailed to our 190 members. Join us and you can get the newsletter to find out what you have missed and what is coming, and it includes a list of members and their interests. Join on the Member News page or the Swap list. 2 September 2019 |
Article in Reading Room
An article titled Bookmarks by Katherine Kerr of the Hermitage has a brief history focusing on the medieval period with several sources, mention of art works depicting bookmarks, and illustration of some she made. The article also includes printable bookmarks with Shakespeare quotes, quotes about pelicans. 18 July 2019 |
New Bibliography
We are excited to announce Bookmarks: An Annotated Bibliography by Dr. Frank X. Roberts. This extensive 144-page work is available for download as a pdf file on our Bibliography page. He says: "I do hope bookmark fans around the world will get some joy, information, knowledge and perhaps even some wisdom from the bibliography. I would not mind at all (in fact would be pleased) if any IFOB members would care to contact me. I would especially like to hear any comments on my writing style. I tried to inject some light humor into the annotations in places, and to point out how bookmarks play a part in, and have influence on many of the social and cultural aspects of our life." Write to him at fxroberts(at)comcast.net. Thank you, Frank, for your generous and significant contribution. 17 July 2019 |
Blog Post on Swap Meetings in France
Georg Hartong has another post about two sisters who organized swap meetings and made publications with bookmarks in France. See more examples in our Bookmarks on Bookmarks Gallery. 13 June 2019 |
Blog Post on Swap Meetings in The Netherlands
Our IFOB co-editor Georg Hartong gives the history of bookmark swap meetings in several towns in the Netherlands. See more examples in our Bookmarks on Bookmarks Gallery. 12 June 2019 |
Newsletter No. 11 to Members
The 11th IFOB newsletter has just been emailed to our 173 members. Join us and you can get the newsletter to find out what you have missed and what is coming, and it includes a list of members and their interests. Join on the Member News page or the Swap list. 1 June 2019 |
Care of Books Gallery
Our gallery on bookmarks promoting the care of books is ready for viewing. A range of bad practices and good behavior appear on bookmarks from libraries, bookstores, and others interested in treating books with respect. We welcome more examples too. 25 May 2019 |
Bibliographies Updated
Thank you Georg Hartong for another update to the bibliography of TBS Publications on the Bibliography page. 12 May 2019 |
Asim Maner Award Winner: Gaby Dondlinger
In this profile of our award winner, we learn more about Gaby and how she started collecting, her special interests, and how she promotes bookmarks in her area and as part of her other creative interests. You will see why she deserved this award! 8 May 2019 |
Asim Maner Interview
We just came across an interview of our founder Asim Maner from 2007 in the Ephemera blog by Marty Weil. He describes how he began his business, created a web site with information about bookmarks, and began his own collection. We have added an entry for this interview to the Reading Room page. It's interesting to learn about how he began and to hear his "voice" again. 5 May 2019 |
A Gallery Full of Owls on Bookmarks!
Our gallery is ready to view now that it has been populated with plenty of bookmarks featuring owls, symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Contact the webmaster if you have more to contribute and thanks to Gaby Dondlinger who found many almost hidden owls and Debrah Gai Lewis who sent many from her raffle winnings. Enjoy!. 5 May 2019 |
World Bookmark Day at University of California, San Diego
Our new member Scott Paulson has written an account of the display and create-your-own-bookmark event he organized at UCSD on World Bookmark Day. Read about how the display was organized, see some interesting featured bookmarks, and see a short video and radio recording. Thank you Scott! 23 April 2019 |
Membership Page Added
Starting with April 2019, new members will be announced on a new page for Member News. The home page will indicate when new members have been added (see above), but details will be reported on the Member page linked from the Members label.. Let us know what you think about this change. 12 April 2019 |
Blog Posts
Read about these interesting topics: 1) The Library 100 bookmarks which list the top 100 novels held by libraries around the world; 2) Book Fair Bonanza on reports from fairs in Lithuania and the USA attended by members; and 3) Book Care bookmarks by Georg Hartong. 27 March 2019 |
Three New Members from the USA
Please welcome J Gallo from California, Jennifer Berry from Montana and Karen Marshall from Virginia. J Gallo and Jennifer are booksellers and both like to make bookmarks that you can see on their Instagram accounts. Jennifer's are painted on canvas; J Gallo makes them from fabric scraps. Karen is a school teacher and matches her bookmarks to the books she is reading. Welcome to all! 18 March 2019 |
In case you missed it, the winner of our raffle is Debrah Gai Lewis, Australia and second place goes to Robin Brown, also from Australia. Many bookmarks will be flowing down under! Gaby Donglinger is the first winner of the Asim Maner Award for promoting bookmarks. And we continue to receive a few more photos of Wobo, the traveling bookmark (in Lithuania), telegrams and other news about Woboda. We will continue posting to this year's Woboda page a little longer. Thank you to all raffle participants, bookmark designers, sponsors, donors and congratulations to our winners. The third annual World Bookmark Day is a success! 2 March 2019 |
@liberiarium Heute ist der World Bookmark Day (WoBoDa)! Die International Friends of Booksmarks haben sich etwas ganz Besonderes ausgedacht: sie widmen den heutigen Tag dem Lesezeichen! Auf ihrer Website wird es deshalb heute Events, Awards und noch viel mehr geben. Auch ich habe dem Lesezeichen eine kleine Grußbotschaft geschickt - diese könnt ihr euch auf meinem YouTube-Kanal ansehen □
Join us in preparing to celebrate the third annual World Bookmark Day! Get ready to send a telegram from the Woboda page and see who wins the raffle and the Asim Maner award. Tell your friends, give away some bookmarks or leave them for people to find, make a display like the one on the left, and appreciate the beauty, variety and usefulness of all things bookmarks! 24 February 2019 |
More Fun with Bookmarks
The Dimond Library in Oakland, California, USA sponsored a bookmark making session for adults and children on 23 February in honor of World Bookmark Day. Laine Farley gave a brief talk on the history of Woboda and ways to make bookmarks and showed some examples from her collection. See more photos on our Woboda page under #5, Local Events. 24 February 2019 |
University of California, San Diego Library Celebrates Woboda
The UCSD Library has an exhibit of bookmarks from Feb. 8-28 and a bookmark making contest to celebrate World Bookmark Day. See more on the Woboda page under number 5, Local Events. Thanks UCSD! 20 February 2019 |
Woboda Library Display
Photos from a display celebrating World Bookmark Day at the Dimond Library in Oakland, California, USA are on our Woboda page under #5 Local Events. Is anyone else doing a display for Woboda? 13 February 2019 |
New Woboda Design
Our enthusiastic member, Regina Mačiulytė, from Lithuania has contributed a beautiful bookmark design to download and print for World Bookmark Day. Thank you Regina! 2 February 2019 |
Woboda Raffle and Wobo Travels
Our new member Jane Schneider from Colorado, USA has been busy! She took Wobo to the National Western Stock Show in Denver and she has entered the Woboda Raffle with 10 bookmarks. Member Randy Whiteman from Canada has brought the raffle up to an astonishing 1,468 bookmarks with his contribution of 40. The raffle pot has such a wide range of bookmarks from all over the world. Thank you Jane and Randy! 28 January 2019 |
World Bookmark Day News
We are very happy to include a new printable bookmark design from one of our newest members, Agostino Traini from Trieste, Italy. Go to the Woboda page to download and print copies of this fun bookmark. Also we can confirm that UK ephemera dealer Caroline Hemmens will send 100 selected bookmarks with British themes to the Woboda raffle winner. Thank you, Agostino and Caroline, for contributing to World Bookmark Day! 22 January 2019 |
Fun with Woboda Bookmarks
Find out how our member Gaby Dondlinger has been having fun with Woboda bookmark designs and Wobo, the traveling bookmark in this blog post. 18 January 2019 |
World Bookmark Day News
Wobo, the traveling bookmark, has been to Schengen, Luxembourg with member Gaby Dondlinger to visit the European Museum and remnants of the Berlin Wall.. And we have another entrant for the Woboda raffle, Regina Mačiulytė. She has contributed 50 bookmarks and also pledged 15 for the second place winner. Regina will also find some bookmarks at a book fair in February for the second place winner. Thanks, Gaby and Regina for your contributions. 14 January 2019 |
Woboda Raffle increases to 1268 bookmarks!
Our member Robin Brown from Australia has pledged 80 bookmarks to bring our total up yet again. By the way, you can read a nice article about Robin that we have listed on our Library Reading Room page. Thanks so much Robin! 4 January 2019 |
Woboda Raffle up to 1108 bookmarks!
The Bookmark Bookstore in Oakland, CA, USA contributed 30 bookmarks. We are also expecting a donation from Caroline Hemmens, an ephemera dealer in the UK, once she has time to make a selection of British themed bookmarks. Your chances to win a gigantic batch of bookmarks from all over the world is very good so enter today. 15 December 2018 |
New Member from Seattle
Please welcome Maxfield Shea from Seattle, Washington, USA. He collects bookmarks distributed to supplement the 1972-1977 Children's Book Showcases hosted by the Children's Book Council (CBC) and would like to swap bookmarks from the `1960s-1970s. The CBC is celebrating the 100th anniversary of Children's Book Week in 2019 and will celebrate with many activities including original bookmarks created by Selina Alko & Sean Qualls, Vera Brosgol, Jason Chin, Ekua Holmes, Juana Medina, and Jessie Sima. 14 December 2018 |
10 Things You Can Do If You Win the Woboda Raffle
Two Now that the Woboda raffle is so large (almost 1,100 bookmarks), you may wonder what you would do with so many bookmarks so here are some suggestions: 1. Add the ones you like to your collection, of course! 2. Use some to swap with others on our Swap page. You will probably find many that match the interests of other collectors. 3. Give some as gifts (or stocking stuffers for the holidays) to friends and family who like to read. 4. Use them as gift tags: if the back is blank, you can add a To/From or greeting message. 5. Give some to your local library to give away. Perhaps there will be some that would appeal to children, especially. 6. Give some to your local used book store. They can give them away to customers. 7. Make a display for your local library to show the variety of bookmarks around the world. 8. Include one with greeting cards you send for birthdays, holidays, other occasions. 9. Make an advent calendar with a surprise bookmark revealed each day. The idea of the advent calendar can be used as a countdown for other events, if you do not celebrate Christmas. 10. Turn them into art: frame bookmarks with a theme or interesting graphics, or make a collage. What are your ideas? And remember, you have a very good chance of winning the raffle with only three participants so far. Due to the formula used, the winner is not just the person with the most tickets. Enter now! 10 December 2018 |
3 Things You Can Do With Woboda Bookmarks
After you download and print the designs for World Bookmark Day, here are 3 things you can do with them: 1. Leave bookmarks at a Little Free Library near you. 2. Send one of them with birthday, Christmas or other greeting cards to friends and relatives. 3. Ask your local used bookstore if they would like copies to distribute. And ask them if they find bookmarks left behind in donated or acquired books. Maybe they will give you a few. 1 December 2018 |
Woboda Raffle now has 1078 bookmarks!
Thanks to Jocienė Vilija's contribution of 45 bookmarks from Lithuania. See the Woboda page for more information. 29 November 2019 |
Magic Reading Wands
Read our blog post to find out what these are and who creates and uses them - and what they have to do with bookmarks. 29 November 2018 |
Woboda Raffle up to 1033!
A donation of 75 children's books bookmarks increases the raffle. More donations to come soon. And there is currently only one participant in the raffle so send your entries in (remember, photos only to show how many you will send to the winner). 20 November 2018 Jonathan Xuereb contributed 20 more bookmarks including five Book Depository bookmarks, others promoting new books from publishers and a couple of others promoting embassies. 21 November 2018
Woboda News: New Printable Design
Our favorite librarian/cartoonist, Gary Handman, has contributed two fun designs for World Bookmark Day. Download and print them and the other designs. It's never too early to start distributing bookmarks to advertise Woboda. Thank you, Gary! 14 November 2018 |
New Tutorial in the Workshop
Our member Melia Miller has contributed a tutorial in the Workshop on no-sew bookmarks. These bookmarks are a simple way to add some color to a book that you are gifting or to "save" a piece of fabric that you love. Thank you Melia! 30 October 2018 |
Printable design by Rosemarie Abel
WOBODA Activities
Our Woboda page has been updated in three areas. First, the raffle now contains a huge 938 bookmarks thanks to Marcos Rippel's contribution. He is the first to enter the raffle. Rosemarie Abel and Marilyn R. Rosenberg have made printable bookmark designs - so interesting! And Wobo, the traveling bookmark, visited California. We are well on our way to celebrating year 3 of World Bookmark Day. 17 October 2018 |
400 bookmarks contributed by Marcos Rippel
WORLD BOOKMARK DAY Preparations Beginning
We have our first donation for the World Bookmark Day (Woboda) Raffle. See our Woboda page for the latest news and events, a work in progress. Remember Woboda is 25 February 2019. Start planning what you will do to participate and celebrate! 16 September 2018 |
@liberiarium Heute ist der World Bookmark Day (WoBoDa)! Die International Friends of Booksmarks haben sich etwas ganz Besonderes ausgedacht: sie widmen den heutigen Tag dem Lesezeichen! Auf ihrer Website wird es deshalb heute Events, Awards und noch viel mehr geben. Auch ich habe dem Lesezeichen eine kleine Grußbotschaft geschickt - diese könnt ihr euch auf meinem YouTube-Kanal ansehen □